Free Trial On-boarding

Time: 2 weeks

Scope: UX/UI

free trial hero.png


The on-boarding flow for our B2B product, Teamwork Pro, was laborious. Users had to take 5 steps that were data-input heavy all before seeing the product.

original onboarding flow.png


After testing this flow we discovered that:

  • Asking for payment upfront caused drop off (97.2% on step 1)

  • Trust of the product was low therefore, asking users to invite their team members before seeing the product was unsuccessful

  • Dual-column layout was distracting and users lost focus of the task


How might we simplify the on-boarding process, gain users trust and get them to see the value of our product? 


  • Make signing up as pain-free as possible

  • Minimize clicks and get them into to product ASAP

  • Use feature tours to help them get set up


I went through a few white-boarding sessions with the product team to strip this flow down to the bare bones and reduce any data collection that wasn’t 100% necessary for setting up an account.

2 versions of the new flow were tested. The successful flow involved the least data entry and got the user into the product quickly.

free trial whiteboard.png


The on-boarding process was reduced from 5 screens to 1 screen.

free trial final.png

Next Steps

Improving the entry points to this flow and the user journey after sign up were out of scope for this project. Next we will be looking at testing different versions of free trial landing pages and making improvements to the first time in-product experience.


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